Monday, April 9, 2007

Is It Pasta Or Is It Rice?

Orzo is an elusive pasta. First off, I literally had to search in several supermarkets before finding it in my local Pavillion's. I couldn't believe that even my ever-so-faithful Trader Joe's did not carry this item. What a disappointment that was. I soon got over it though and trekked on over to the grocer that would be my saving grace. I was so elated when I found the little box that I ended up buying two of them. I originally wanted to make a pasta salad using gnocchi. This was soon ixnay'd however because I learned that cold gnocchi doesn't do a pasta dish any good. It gets too "gummy" I was advised. So, several foodies recommended that I try an orzo salad or why not a tortellini salad? I chose the orzo. When orzo is uncooked it can very well pass for rice. Once it's cooked, it can very well pass for rice! It's not rice though. It's a pasta. In Italian it literally means "barley" and to make it even more confusing, it's known as the rice shaped pasta. In any case, my orzo pasta salad turned out beautifully. It had a lot of flavor to it and tasted even better the next day. I found the recipe on Epicurious. Easy to prepare ahead of time and perfect accompaniment to our leftover Easter ham.


Barbara said...

My family love Orzo Salad. Here's my version:

Henny A. said...

Thank-you, Barbara for sharing this recipe. I really enjoyed the taste and texture of the orzo so I'm ready to try a new recipe.